
- Introduction - 

    hello all lemme introduce my self my name is Raissa adriti maheswari. I'm 17 years old and i school at 27 high school now im on the third year yeah senior year UwU. if u wanna know what my hoobies hmmmmm my hoobie is drawing, watch some anime, play with cat. in this semester is to create a portofolio that will be assessed by an engslih teacher.  🍏  

in this semester the theme that will be used as a portofolio
  • news item
  • application letter
  • procedure text: how to do, how to make, and how to use
  • descriptive text: historical place and recreation place
  • biography: inventor and famous person (artist, politocian , etc)
  • narrative text
  • expposition text
  • explanation text

quick recomendation try to sum music i played while working ♪

absolutely recomend that 
peace out ✌️🔥😆
